Commentary: North Korea’s De-risking Strategy and Its Implications


Rüdiger Frank delves into North Korea's recent embassy closures, attributing the moves to a strategy of de-risking amid global geopolitical shifts.

The recent closure of North Korea's embassies is being seen as part of a broader strategic move aimed at reducing risk amidst ongoing shifts in global geopolitics. What might be the underlying rationale behind the leadership's decision? And what could this new strategy signify in terms of its implications? Professor Rüdiger Frank suggests that the nation's response to the emerging "new Cold War" triggered by the Russian invasion of Ukraine is a significant factor, leading to a recalibration of risk-benefit analysis. "The DPRK can be expected to maintain and even enlarge its presence in international organizations that experience an internal shift of power in favor of China and Russia." Additionally, the nation's economic and foreign policies, as well as the repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic, are examined as influential elements shaping this new strategy. 

The evolving strategy of North Korea, shifting towards a long-term de-risking approach, necessitates a reevaluation of approaches in dealing with the nation. It's crucial to avoid providing the North Korean leadership with opportunities to further isolate itself, given its tendency to exploit such situations.

Frank, Rüdiger. "North Korea’s De-risking Strategy and Its Implications." 38 North (2023).