[Closed] [Call for Applications] GWIKS North Korea Program (Oct. 10 - Nov. 16, 2023)


GWIKS is s now accepting applications for the 2023 North Korea Program, structured as a six-week intensive course.

The North Korea Program of the George Washington University Institute for Korean Studies (GWIKS) is offering a six-week intensive course covering from history to future insights of North Korea. The North Korea Program is designed to provide professionals and graduate students in the United States with balanced, multi-dimensional information about North Korea.

Eleven lecturers with exceptional academic and/or professional backgrounds will guide the participants' successful intellectual exploration of North Korea. At the end of the program the participants will have a roundtable discussion to share their newly gained thoughts and perspectives.

View the detailed program brochure here.

To apply for this program, please fill in the form.

Closing date for receipt of applications: Friday, September 8, 2023