[Closed] The Economic Situation of North Korea in 2025


Save the date for an University of Vienna guest lecture by Prof. Dr. Bernhard Seliger on January 27, 2025.

Are you looking for the latest insights on North Korea's economic developments and challenges in 2025?

Our EcoS guest lecture with Prof. Dr. Bernhard Seliger offers new insights into key developments like the recently fortified North Korea-Russia relationship, North Korea's participation in the Ukraine war, and updates on economic policies. 

We are going to dive into the challenges North Korea faces, from food shortages and skyrocketing prices to strained international relations following the abrupt severance of ties with South Korea. On the other hand, we want to explore potential opportunities, such as the possible opening of the Kalma resort to boost tourism and hard currency inflows, and examines how North Korea might respond to renewed talks with the incoming U.S. administration.


Who?: Bernhard Seliger is representative of the Hanns Seidel Foundation in Korea. He frequently travelled to North Korea, implementing capacity-building projects, among others in forestry and biodiversity, and previously in renewable energy and the Clean Development Mechanism as well as trade and the economy. He also is honorary professor for economics, in particular of Northeast Asia, at Zwickau University of Applied Sciences in Germany.

When?: January 27 (Monday), 2024, 16:45–18:15 (CET; UTC+1)

Where?: Sinology Conference Room (adjacent to the EcoS Office, 2F-O1-27A), Hof 2, Entrance 2.3, AAKH Campus, Spitalgasse 2, 1090 Vienna, Austria

Zoom livestream?: Yes! Click HERE.

For more information, please visit our event page. Don’t forget to sign up using the RSVP form provided on the page.