[Conference] Reflections on the North: The Spaces and Subjects of the DPRK


The Center for Korean Studies at the University of Sheffield invites participants to a conference, supported by the Academy of Korean Studies.

Thursday 3rd April - Friday 4th April

Inox Dine, Level 5, Students Union Building, Durham Road, Sheffield. S10 2TG

University of Sheffield

Click here to view the schedule and register for this event


There is an option to attend the conference panels remotely via Google Meet. A link will be sent to you before the event. In-person attendees are welcome to participate in all or part of the conference, with refreshments and lunch included. Please indicate which days you plan to attend in the Eventbrite questionnaire, even if you only plan to drop into a single panel.


This conference explores the theme of reflection as it relates to North Korea. We approach the term in two ways. In the nominal sense, reflections are congregations of work. Whether literary, academic, or artistic, this sort of reflection attends to the state of the archive on North Korea. As a verb, reflection is an act of mediation. In this regard, reflection is a question of the methods and modes used to analyse and articulate North Korean pasts and presents. How do we reflect on North Korea and how have decades of reflection by others shaped these engagements? This event seeks to bring together academic, literary, and artistic submissions to critically and reflectively engage with both of these invocations of the term. We invite works that attend to the ways that knowledge about North Korea is generated and circulated. In particular, we encourage critical engagements with the spaces and subjects that constitute North Korea. Not to confuse reflection on the North with abstraction, we seek to centre the individuals and encounters, topographies and infrastructures that constitute everyday life in North Korea. In doing so, this event invites participants to consider the many reflections on the North in the hope of developing new avenues of approach, analysis and narration.