[Closed] Cultural Representations of North Koreans in South Korean Popular Culture:The Intersectionality of Gender, Class & the Division System


Save the date for an University of Vienna guest lecture by Prof. Sung Kyung Kim on January 15, 2025.

Enjoy Korean films and TV dramas? Have you thought about how these dramas are a window unto certain aspects of South Korean society? And have you ever wondered about the depictions of North Korean characters in hit dramas such as Squid Games, Crash Landing into You, and Money Heist Korea?

South Korean sociologist Sung Kyung Kim has extensive experience researching film, popular culture, and migration in Northeast Asia with a particular focus on women who have left North Korean. Join us for this guest lecture where these themes collide with an investigation of the intersectionality of gender, class, and the Korean division system in South Korean popular culture. Find out what South Korean directors are saying about Korea when they utilize North Korean characters. For all students interested in understanding and investigating representations of identity via narratives in the media, as well as all those who just enjoy K-cultural products, this guest lecture is a must.


Who?: Sung Kyung Kim is an Associate Professor at the University of North Korean Studies. She previously taught at Sungkonghoe University, Kyung Hee University, and the National University of Singapore. She has also served on advisory boards for governmental and non-governmental organizations. Her research interests include the division system, sociology of emotion and affect, North Korean migrants, and cultural studies.

When?: January 15 (Wednesday), 2024, 16:45–18:15 (CET; UTC+1)

Where?: Sinology Conference Room (adjacent to the EcoS Office, 2F-O1-27A), Hof 2, Entrance 2.3, AAKH Campus, Spitalgasse 2, 1090 Vienna, Austria

Zoom livestream?: Yes! Click HERE.

For more information, please visit our event page. Don’t forget to sign up using the RSVP form provided on the page.